I've worked to varying degrees on the following web sites. I don't currently work on all of them, and some of them are hopelessly out of date. I'm probably also missing some...
Ecuador websites
- Ecuatorianistas, Ecuadorian Studies section of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA).
- e-archivo ecuatoriano, preliminary work on a project to make archival materials on Indigenous movements in Ecuador available to a broader audience.
- Resistencia Ecuador (with Pablo Dávalos; nothing there--wanna help?)
Indigenous peoples and organizations in Ecuador
Other Indigenous websites
- Nativeweb is a collective project which provides resources on Indigenous cultures around the world. It has come to be recognized as the premiere website on native peoples. All of the other Indigenous websites I've worked on have been done as part of that project.
- NativeWiki is a new project of NativeWeb to allow users to contribute information on Indigenous peoples around the world.
- Abya Yala Net is the part of NativeWeb dedicated to Indigenous peoples in Latin America.
- Indigenous declarations, statements, and manifestos (good idea, but needs a lot more content to make it useful)
- Dulenega o Kuna Yala (Panama)
- Consejo Nacional Indio de Venezuela (CONIVE)
- O Ró (Site da Associação Xavante Warã, Brazil)
- Primer Encuentro Internacional de la Resistencia y Solidaridad de los Pueblos Indígenas y Campesinos (Caracas, Venezuela, 12 de Octubre 2003)
- II Cumbre Continental de Pueblos y Nacionalidades Indígenas de Abya Yala (Américas) (21 al 25 de Julio de 2004, Quito, Ecuador)
- Cumbre Continental de Pueblos y Organizaciones Indígenas America (30, 31 de Oct. – 01º de Noviembre 2005. Mar del Plata) Argentina)
- South and Meso American Indian Rights Center (SAIIC). Defunct, but I'm trying to upload digital copies of their journal Abya Yala News.
- Consejo Nacional de Ayllus y Markas del Quillasuyu (CONAMAQ). Not very active.
- Confederación Sindical de Colonizadores de Bolivia (CSCB). Not very active.
- Fundación Agri-Cultura Marcos Orozco (Guatemala). Not very active.
- Amazonian Peoples Resource Initiative (APRI) (years ago and I'm not sure that they still have an active website?)
Peace, justice, solidarity, and political websites
Academic websites
Personal websites
Years ago I developed a collection of Peace Clip-Art Graphics that are still available. Also see my related Computer Work Experience on my vita.
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