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I am often asked to share my expertise on Latin America with the news media. Here are some newspaper articles and radio programs that have quoted or featured me.


"How Will Ecuador’s Indigenous Voters Swing the Election?," Inter-American Dialogue's daily Latin America Advisor, February 27, 2025.

"What’s Behind the Suspension of Ecuador’s VP?," Inter-American Dialogue's daily Latin America Advisor, November 28, 2024.

Mikayla Stokes, "Alumni performs and teachs magic in St. Louis," Truman State University Index, October 24, 2024, 15.

"What’s Really Happening in Venezuela?," interview with Miguel Tinker Salas, Professor Emeritus at Pomona College, on "World View," WORT (Madison, Wisc, October 8, 2023).

"What Could Come of Talks Between Maduro & the U.S.?," Inter-American Dialogue's daily Latin America Advisor, July 11, 2024.

"What Do Protests Mean for Ecuador’s Mining Industry?," Inter-American Dialogue's daily Latin America Advisor, April 16, 2024.

"What’s Behind Venezuela’s Moves Against Opponents?," Inter-American Dialogue's daily Latin America Advisor, March 8, 2024.

"Amelia Rayno on Argentina’s Presidential Elections," with Norman Stockwell on "World View," WORT (Madison, Wisc, October 8, 2023).

"Ecuador bans drilling in the Yasuni," UpFront, KPFA Pacifica Radio, August 22, 2023.

"Who Is Positioned to Become the Next Leader of Ecuador?, Inter-American Dialogue's daily Latin America Advisor, August 22, 2023.

"Ecuador Elections," UpFront, KPFA Pacifica Radio, August 17, 2023.

Jeff Abbott, "An Assassination in Ecuador," The Progressive, August 17, 2023.

"Contextualizing The Assassination Of Ecuador Presidential Candidate Fernando Villavicencio," AirTalk with Larry Mantle on LAist 89.3—NPR in Los Angeles, August 10, 2023.

"Who Will Ecuador Choose as its Next President?, Inter-American Dialogue's daily Latin America Advisor, July 31, 2023.

"What Will Result From Ecuador’s Political Turmoil?, Inter-American Dialogue's daily Latin America Advisor, May 18, 2023.

Ellen Ioanes, "Ecuador’s political instability," Vox, April 30, 2023.

"What Does a Defeat at the Polls Mean for Ecuador’s Lasso?, Inter-American Dialogue's daily Latin America Advisor, February 17, 2023.

"Can Ecuador End its Oil Dispute With the Waorani Soon?," Energy Advisor, a weekly publication of the Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, February 17, 2023.

Interview of Jo-Marie Burt about Pedro Castillo's self-coup in Peru with Norman Stockwell on "World View," WORT (Madison, Wisc, December 18, 2022).

Marc Becker on the involvement of the CIA and FBI in Latin America, Out Of The Blank #1265,;

"Update on Latin America" with Norman Stockwell on "World View," WORT (Madison, Wisc, October 2, 2022).

"Why Is Ecuador’s President Pushing a Referendum?, Inter-American Dialogue's daily Latin America Advisor, September 23, 2022.

"Will Ecuador’s Oil Industry Continue to Draw Protests?," Energy Advisor, a weekly publication of the Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, July 15, 2021.

"What Will Result From Nicaragua Leaving the OAS?," Inter-American Dialogue's daily Latin America Advisor, May 6, 2022.

"Update on Latin America" with Norman Stockwell on "World View," WORT (Madison, Wisc, March 13, 2022).

"Will Ecuador’s New President Shake Up the Energy Sector?," Energy Advisor, a weekly publication of the Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, May 7, 2021.

"Is Nicaragua’s Government Guilty of Rights Violations?," the Inter-American Dialogue's daily Latin America Advisor, March 15, 2021.

Michael Fox, "Two candidates go to runoff in Ecuador presidential election," The World, February 22, 2021.

Historias Podcast, Historias 121 - Marc Becker On Ecuador's Election, February 16, 2020.

Gonzalo Solano and Regina Garcia Cano, "Divided Ecuador heads to presidential runoff ballot in April," AP News, February 8, 2020.

"Would Talks Help Solve Venezuela’s Political Crisis?," Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, February 3, 2021.

"Will Private Capital Solve Ecuador’s Refining Problems?," Energy Advisor, a weekly publication of the Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, August 7, 2020.

"How Will Venezuela’s High Court Action Affect the Election?," Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, June 23, 2020.

"What Would a New U.S. Administration Mean for the Region?," Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, March 18, 2020.

On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" (October 11, 2019) hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Dr. Marc Becker, author and professor of Latin American history at Truman State University to talk about the fierce protests spurred by the ongoing political and economic crisis in Ecuador, the relationship between President Moreno and the IMF, and what can be learned from the indigenous-led movements in the country.

"Venezuela" on "World View," WORT (Madison, Wisc, March 3, 2019).

"Should Congress Give Venezuelans Protected Status?," Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, February 8, 2019.

"What Is Behind Ecuador’s Latest Anti-Graft Effort?," Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, January 19, 2018.

"What Is Behind Venezuela’s Pursuit of Former Officials?," Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, December 13, 2017.

"What Do Sandinista Election Victories Mean for Nicaragua?," Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, November 21, 2017.

"Will Ecuadoreans Support Amending the Constitution?," Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, October 17, 2017.

"How Should Int’l Actors Respond to Venezuela’s Crisis?," Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, August 18, 2017.

"Why Is Ecuador’s Correa Attacking His Successor?," Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, August 17, 2017.

"Are Graft Cases Increasing Political Risk in Ecuador?," Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, July 14, 2017.

"Can Ecuador Rein in Spending and Assure Investors?," Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, June 12, 2017.

"What Can Ecuador Expect of its New President?," Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, April 28, 2017.

"Who Has Become Ecuador’s Next President?," Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, April 4, 2017.

Kayla Perkins, "Marxian economist shares capitalism critique," Truman State University Index, March 30, 2017, 6.

Kira Hintz, "Black Lives Matter Class Explores Social Movement," Truman State University Index, March 23, 2017, 5, 7/

"Who Has the Edge Ahead of Ecuador’s Presidential Vote?," Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, February 17, 2017.

World in Focus | Radio Sputnik UK, February 1, 2017.

"Has Venezuela’s Maduro Defeated the Opposition?," Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, January 20, 2017.

KPFA-FM, November 29, 2016.

Gonzalo Solano and Raphael Satter, "Ecuador: We have 'temporarily restricted' Assange's internet," AP Top News, October 19, 2016.

Michael Levenson, "WikiLeaks says Kerry pressured Ecuador on leaks; State Dept. denies," Boston Globe, October 18, 2016.

"Is Ecuador’s Ruling Party Likely to Hold the Presidency?," Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, October 18, 2016.

"Cartoon a poor choice to reflect equality debate," Courier (Freeman, SD), May 12, 2016.

"What Does Ecuador Need in Order to Rebuild?" Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, May 3, 2016.

Paige Yungermann, "Truman hosts first Social Justice Leadership Summit," Truman State University Index, April 21, 2016, 8.

Historians Reject Measure Criticizing Israel (Inside Higher Ed, January 11, 2016)

"Will Constitutional Reforms Benefit Ecuadoreans?" Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, December 18, 2015.

"Letter to the editor," AHA Perspectives on History 53, no. 7 (October 2015): 5-6.

"Protests in Ecuador," América Otherwise, WBIA, August 17, 2015.

"Will Protests Force Ecuador’s Correa to Backtrack?" Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, August 10, 2015.

"The FBI in Ecuador in the 1940s," Interviews from Quito, Telesur, July 31, 2015.

"Will Correa Resurrect His Tax Hike Plans?" Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, June 24, 2015.

"A 25 años del levantamiento indígena de 1990," Radio Platinum (Noticiero Ecuadoradio), Quito, Ecuador, June 4, 2015.

World Social Forum on "Third World View," WORT (Madison, Wisc, March 29, 2015).

"Are Correa's Actions Stifling Public Debate in Ecuador?" Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, March 3, 2015.

Cuba on "Third World View," WORT (Madison, Wisc, March 1, 2015).

Interviewed for feature on Uruguay on "Third World View," WORT (Madison, Wisc, October 12, 2014).

Lucas Meyrer, “Campus discusses Ferguson protests,” Truman State University Index, October 2, 2014, 1, 3.

La Gloriosa, una chispa revolucionaria,” El Telégrafo (Quito), May 28, 2014, 27.

"Talking nonsense," In These Times 38, no. 5 (May 2014): 2.

"What Do Opposition Electoral Gains Mean for Ecuador?" Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor, March 11, 2014.

Elizabeth Koch, “Finding Your Inner Voice,” Harry 2, no. 1 (2013): 18-21.

"Same Old Talk: Development Without a Conscience," Washington Report on the Hemisphere (Council on Hemispheric Affairs) 33, no. 6 (April 29, 2013): 1-3.

Interview together with Roger Burbach, author of Latin America’s Turbulent Transitions: The Future of Twenty-First Century Socialism, on "Third World View," WORT (Madison, Wisc, March 3, 2013).

"What Will Rafael Correa's 'Steamroller' Bring Ecuador?" Latin America Advisor, February 28, 2013.

"Correa and Ecuador’s Left: An Interview with Marc Becker," interview by Paul Gottinger on White Rose Reader, February 12, 2013, reprinted on Upside Down World and excerpted on Counterpunch.

"Will Correa Coast to Victory in Ecuador's 2013 Elections?" By Walter Spurrier, Michael Shifter, Marc Becker, and Andrés Mejía Acosta. Latin America Advisor, December 3, 2012.

Chris Brown, "Professor employs unusual methods," Index (Truman State University), November 15, 2012, 12.

"Is Ecuador On the Brink of a 'Perfect Dictatorship'?" By Gustavo Jalkh, Osvaldo Hurtado, Adrián Bonilla, Christopher Sabatini, Marc Becker. Latin America Advisor, May 25, 2011.

"Ecuador’s Recent Referendum Vote," Latin America Current Events & News, May 18, 2011.

Irene Caselli, "Ecuador President Rafael Correa loses indigenous allies," BBC, April 19, 2011.

Alex Carlson, "Film offers alternative teachings," Index (Truman State University), April 14, 2011, 12.

Was There a Failed Coup Attempt in Ecuador?, Uprising, KPFK, Pacific Radio in Los Angeles, October 4, 2010.

Harald Neuber, "Erneuter Putschversuch in Lateinamerika," Telepolis, October 1, 2010.

Jennifer Lewis, "All Eyes On: Marc Becker," Index (Truman State University), February 4, 2010, 11.

Letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denouncing the illegal coup against the constitutionally elected government of Manuel Zelaya in Honduras (July 9, 2009).

Quoted in Joshua Rhett Miller, "Book Chavez Gave to Obama Is Used as Core Text on Many College Campuses," FOX News, April 24, 2009.

Quoted in STAND looks to end genocide, Index (Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri, February 26, 2009).

Indigenous movements in the Americas, Latin Waves, CJSF 90.1 FM, Vancouver, British Columbia, February 21, 2009: download (28MB) | listen (33min)

Protesters seek privileged status, Letter to the Editor of the Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, Wisc, September 18, 2008).

Ecuador to Evict US from Military Base, Uprising, KPFK, Pacific Radio in Los Angeles, December 17, 2007.

Stories on Venezuelan TV station misleading, Letter to Editor of the The Capital Times (Madison, Wisc, June 2-3, 2007).

"Book lists professor among 'dangerous,'" The Index (Truman State University), March 2, 2006.

Report on the Venezuelan Referendum on WORT's Third World View (Madison, Wisc, August 22, 2004) and En Nuestro Patio (August 31, 2004).

Letters to 'All Things Considered' (National Public Radio, November 2, 2003; here is the full-text of the letter).

Professor lives political turbulency, by Mary Ann Macombie (Index, Truman State University, October 2, 2003).

Insatiable curiosity leads professor to Nicaragua, by Katrina Reschly (New Media Index, Truman State University, December 6, 2001).

Faculty Spotlight -- This month we feature Marc Becker and his innovative uses of the new Blackboard software. (Instructional Technology and Training, Gettysburg College, February 1999 Newsletter).

"If Indian cultures are incapable of incorporating new technologies, that might mean that they have become stagnant and are dying," an e-mail conversation with Marc Becker on zum Thema: Nr. 24, 30.12.1998; special issue on "Die Landlosen der Cyberwelt: 'Entwicklungshilfe' Internet?"

You can read my comments on the Puerto Rico statehood question in this article ISU professors expect American territory to vote down statehood from the Pantagraph (Bloomington, IL, March 6, 1998).

Local newspapers also reported on our trip to Chiapas, Mexico.

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