Here are links to more information on Colombia.

- Witness for Peace
- Witness for Peace is a politically independent, grassroots organization committed to nonviolence. It supports peace, justice and sustainable economies in the Americas by changing US
policies and corporate practices which contribute to poverty and oppression in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- National Mobilization on Colombia
- Come to Washington, DC on April 19-22, 2002 to protest US military aid which has violently inflamed a 40-year-old civil war in Colombia.
- Colombia Policy Briefs
- Colombia Policy Briefs provides comprehensive information on Colombia and related US policy issues. It provides a mechanism for collecting information and for analyzing opposing viewpoints.
- Colombia Report
- Colombia Report is published by the Information Network of the Americas (INOTA), a non-profit organization that provides history and analysis of Latin American political, social and economic issues and U.S. foreign policy in the region.
- Center for International Policy's Colombia Project
- A comprehensive source of information and analysis about peaceful efforts to end Colombia's conflict and the United States' increasing military involvement. In particular, see Adam Isacson's The Colombian Dilemma and Getting in Deeper (February 2000).
- Foreign Policy In Focus - Colombia in Crisis (May 2001)
- A critical essay by Andrew Miller on United States policy in Colombia.
- U.S. Fuelling the Fires in Colombia (December 2000)
- Héctor Mondragón's critique of Plan Colombia, from El Ciclo Económico
- Terrorism in Colombia: Different, but Real (Oct 10, 2001)
- Victoria Garcia and Rachel Stohl, Center for Defense Information, critique Plan Colombia
- Colombia Support Network - Human Rights for Colombia
- The Colombia Support Network is a non-governmental organization striving to improve the
human rights situation in Colombia and build solidarity between the peoples of North America and
- Colombian Labor Monitor
- CLM is an independent, labor-rights organization dedicated to fostering international support and solidarity for the Colombian labor movement. Includes links to recent newspaper articles on Colombia.
- Human Rights in the Country of Colombia
- Amnesty International USA country reports on Colombia.
- Colombia Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1998
- U.S. Department of State report released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, February 26, 1999.
- Pagina Principal de las FARC-EP
- Web page of the Fuerzas Armadas de Colombia (FARC), the main guerrilla group in Colombia (in
- Bienvenidos a Voces de Colombia (ELN)
- Web page of the Ejercito de Liberación Nacional (ELN), the secondary guerrilla group (in Spanish).
- Colombia Libre
- Web page of Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC), the main paramilitary group (in Spanish).
- Constitución Política de Colombia, 1991
- Colombia's constitution (in Spanish).
- Colombia: War without end
- CNN reports on drug war in Colombia.
- Bogotá Daily
- English-language news on Colombia.
- Colombia on UT-Lanic
- An exhaustive listing of links on Colombia.
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