Strategies toward global democratization. What after unilateralism?
NIGD, Network Institute for Global Democratization
Seminar chair: D.L.Seth
Co-ordinators: Heikki Patomaki & Ruby van der Wekken
Speakers: George Monbiot
Cândido Grzybowski
Heikki Patomaki
Asthriesslav Rocust
Jill Timms
George Monbiot opened the session by arguing that global democracy is the least
worst response to the oppression of global powers. Elected representatives
would give much more legitimacy and authority to any political organization,
including those with global powers. The WTO is a clear demonstration why mere
participation is not enough. True representation, with decision-making based
on equality, would be desperately needed as well. Yet there are problems in
translating this idea into reality. The European Parliament is a case in point:
there is no enthusiasm for it in Europe. Thus, Monbiot suggested that consultations
and referenda should be should be used systematically to explore the popularity
and political feasibility of different proposals. He also warned that no democratic
system is enough in itself. We have to constantly struggle for outcomes that
are in accordance with non-violence, dignity and justice.
Cândido Grzybowski, who has been deeply involved in the WSF process
from its beginning, argued that this phenomena represents the only movement
towards global democracy. He said it is unbelievable that the WSF is
now in India, recalling how this idea came up in passing in the context
of a June 2001 workshop organized by NIGD (more precisely, this idea
emerged in Katajaharju’s sauna in Helsinki in a relaxed atmosphere).
Otherwise, however, the achievements of the WSF process are rather mixed.
The process has not achieved any real transformations as yet, and sometimes
even a genuine internal dialogue is lacking, although all participants
do accept different others in the movement. Grzybowski also outlined
some basic principles of a more democratic world. Hunger must be eliminated.
The emphasis must be on global production and the principle of subsidiarity.
The WTO must be replaced with a very different kind of trade regime.
Diversity in a multipolar world can be the only basis for working democracy.
Jill Timms and Asthriesslav Rocust both presented projects on global
civil society and its initiatives to democratize global governance. Jill
Timms is involved in a London School of Economics based project, which
produces – among other things – a global civil society handbook
every year. She stressed that the project aims at being part of the global
civil society itself. The potential of global civil society remains unexercised,
however, because global civil society is all too often seen in donor
terms. Perhaps the best example of its political success thus far is
the formation of International Criminal Court.
Rocust, in turn, explained a large-scale survey and analysis of civil
society proposals that the UNESCO Chair in Catalonia, Spain, is conducting.
The challenge is to define a representative sample of proposals, a kind
of “planetary equilibrium” of surveyed organizations. The
project aims, first, at finding whether there are points of agreement
and, second, summarizing these points of agreement in a draft document.
This draft document will be discussed on the internet, through interactive
participation. In fact, this project has already taken some steps towards
meeting Monbiot’s call for a systematic exploration of the popularity
and political feasibility of different proposals, although it only surveys
politically active NGOs and the like.
As elucidated by Heikki Patomaki, the NIGD approach has been somewhat
different, perhaps in a complementary fashion. Instead of popular referenda
and surveys, the problems and merits of various proposals have been analyzed
systematically in terms of their justification, support, effects, feasibility
and viability. The outcome is a strategy for global democratic change.
No change will take place without strategic alliances between transnational
civic networks, Southern states and some like-minded Northern states.
Financial reforms must be the first priority, given that many of the
most immediate forms of dependency and oppression are based on the mechanisms
of global finance. The currency transaction tax and a debt arbitration
mechanism would strengthen the rule of law, reduce illegitimate dependency
and create global funds that can be used for global common goods. Moreover,
these financial reforms would make many states more autonomous in the
WTO negotiations, making it possible to revise the logic of “free
trade” and democratize WTO mechanisms.
D.L.Seth commented and criticized these presentations, sparking a passionate
debate, particularly with Monbiot. Seth seemed to assume that Monbiot’s
vision implies a world parliament and thereby also a world government.
A world government would abolish diversity and reproduce the elitism
of national liberal democracies. He argued that we should rather emphasize
the potential of local communities and economies. Seth also criticized
the synthesizing exercises of Timms and Rocust. Seth was suspicious about
the existence of truly global civil society and maintained that civil
society tends to be tied to particular contexts, which usually means
trouble in other contexts. Moreover, this kind of civil society may easily
end up strengthening the prevailing structures of power. And although
Rocust may have been sincere in seeking a “planetary equilibrium”,
Seth had also problems with this positivist numerical exercise. Finally
Seth also criticized Patomaki for overlooking the importance of continuous
de-legitimation of existing institutions.
In the final and sometimes animated debate, Monbiot defended his position
by denying that he is aiming at a world government. A distinction has
to be made between a world parliament and world state. Patomaki clarified
that when democracy is globalized, our political imagination must be
freed from its captivity with the modern sovereign state. Thus the meaning
of “parliament” may have to be rethought as well. Timms defended
herself by saying that the LSE project involves problematization of the
concept of civil society and its use. And Rocust pointed out that the
point of her project is precisely to empower civic actors. At the end
there was a general feeling that these discussions had been useful in
clarifying many of the issues and explaining how to proceed further from
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