I am attending the fifth World
Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil in January 2005 with the Network
Institute for Global Democratization.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
<Marc> Rather than keep a separate blog at this point, I'll just post short comments with my photos so go to my photo gallery instead. Time is in very short supply during the Forum, but I will write up more a comprehensive report later and post that to my web page. </Marc> <!--9:30 PM-->
Monday, January 24, 2005
<Marc> The International Council is meeting today and tomorrow to discuss larger programmatic issues related to the World Social Forum. We are finalizing flyers and an ad for the meetings that we are organizing. Even though the forum does not start for 2 days, many people are already here and there is a lot of buzz in the air.
The power just went off in the Press Center. Talk about a groan going up as everyone loses their work. Fortunately, my laptop still has a battery...
</Marc> <!--4:02 PM-->
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Arrived last nite to Porto Alegre. This place is already a buzz with preparations for the fifth World Social Forum, even tho it doesn't start until Jan 26. Today I am getting my credentials, checking out the lay of the event, and finalizing preparations for our panels. Our hotel, quite by accident, is probably the most centrally located of any of the hotels! We're also in the middle of summer here, which is a nice break from winter back up north. </Marc> <!--9:27 AM-->
Saturday, January 22, 2005
<Marc> Arrived in Rio. Waiting for flight to Porto Alegre. Warm, cloudy, muggy. </Marc> <!--10:10 AM-->
Friday, January 21, 2005
<Marc> In Miami waiting for plane for Brazil to take me to the World Social Forum!
</Marc> <!--10:23 PM-->
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