These photos are from the fifth World
Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil in January
2005. Click on the photos for larger images.
Thursday, January 27, 2005: Lula!
the morning, Lula spoke at the Gigantinho stadium where he helped launch the
Global Call to Action Against Poverty (see
the left, Lula's supporter's do the wave as they cheer him on. On the right,
his opponents chant at him. They, of course, would see themselves to his left--not
on the right.
the afternoon and evening, I spent time at Puxirum,
the space for Indigenous peoples at the WSF. I am posting information from
those events to the Ecuarunari web
page (;
please visit that page for more information and photos. On the right, kids slide
down the hill at Puxirum.
a new international financial order" is one of many panels that NIGD organized
at the WSF. Here NIGD member Mika Rönkkö listens to Eric Toussaint's
presentation. We will post reports on these panels to our website
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