These photos are from the fifth World
Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil in January
2005. Click on the photos for larger images. See my blog for more information.
Sunday, January 23, 2005: WSF Preprations
to prepare Porto Alegre for the World Social Forum. Tower by the main building,
Usina do Gasômetro.
up structures for the youth camp.
booths for delegates; Usina do Gasômetro in distance.
Monday, January 24, 2005: Meeting of International Council
International Council of the WSF is meeting today and tomorrow to discuss issues
of the future direction of the forum. Meanwhile, we are working the Press Center
getting a flyer and ad ready for our events.
is the room where our "Toward US and North American Social Forums" will
meet at noon on January 30 (room H202). It has translation booths (the
event will be translated in English, Spanish, and French) as well as
a computer and overhead projector.
A "cyber
point" will be right beside our event. They are setting the tent up yet,
but I think they will have computers as well as wireless connections
and Ethernet drops for laptops. Meanwhile, the Youth Camp is also starting
to take shape.
Sunday, January 25, 2005: Forum starts tomorrow
is windy today, which makes setting up some of structures outside a bit
more difficult.
ecological transportation system along the length of the WSF events is
now operational, and the Youth Camp is in full swing. Everything is falling
in place for the forum to start tomorrow.
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